class Docr::Endpoints::Images

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Instance Method Summary

Constructor Detail

def : Docr::Client) #

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Instance Method Detail

def build(tags : Array(String), context : String = ".", dockerfile : String = "Dockerfile", extra_hosts : String | Nil = nil, quiet : Bool = false, no_cache : Bool = false, cache_from : Array(String) = Array(String).new, pull : Bool = false, rm : Bool = true, forcerm : Bool = false, memory : Int32 | Nil = nil, memswap : Int32 | Nil = nil, cpu_shares : Int32 | Nil = nil, cpu_setcpus : String | Nil = nil, cpu_period : Int32 | Nil = nil, cpu_quota : Int32 | Nil = nil, build_args : Hash(String, String) | Nil = nil, shmsize : Int32 | Nil = nil, squash : Bool | Nil = nil, labels : Hash(String, String) | Nil = nil, network_mode : String | Nil = nil, platform : String = "", target : String = "", outputs : String = "", version : String = "1", &) #

Builds a Docker image using the specified parameters.

  • tags: An array of tags to assign to the built image.
  • context: (Optional) The build context directory. Default is the current directory.
  • dockerfile: (Optional) The path to the Dockerfile within the build context. Default is "Dockerfile".
  • extra_hosts: (Optional) Additional hostnames to add to the container's /etc/hosts file.
  • quiet: (Optional) Set to true to suppress build output. Default is false.
  • no_cache: (Optional) Set to true to skip the build cache. Default is false.
  • cache_from: (Optional) An array of images from which to cache build stages.
  • pull: (Optional) Set to true to force pulling base images. Default is false.
  • rm: (Optional) Set to true to remove intermediate containers after a successful build. Default is true.
  • forcerm: (Optional) Set to true to always remove intermediate containers, even upon failure. Default is false.
  • memory: (Optional) The maximum amount of memory the build process can use.
  • memswap: (Optional) Total memory (including swap). Set to -1 to disable swap.
  • cpu_shares: (Optional) CPU shares for the build process.
  • cpu_setcpus: (Optional) CPUs in which to allow execution.
  • cpu_period: (Optional) CPU CFS (Completely Fair Scheduler) period.
  • cpu_quota: (Optional) CPU CFS quota.
  • build_args: (Optional) Additional build arguments as a hash.
  • shmsize: (Optional) Size of /dev/shm in bytes.
  • squash: (Optional) Set to true to squash layers into a single layer. Default is false.
  • labels: (Optional) Labels to apply to the image as a hash.
  • network_mode: (Optional) Network mode for the build.
  • platform: (Optional) Platform for which to build the image.
  • target: (Optional) Build stage to build until.
  • outputs: (Optional) Build outputs configuration.
  • &block: A block to capture and process build output messages.

Raises a DockerBuildError if the build process encounters an error.

Does not return any specific value. ameba:disable Metrics/CyclomaticComplexity

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def client : Docr::Client #

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def create(image : String, tag : String = "latest") #

Creates a new image by pulling it from a registry.

  • image: The name of the image to create.
  • tag: (Optional) The tag of the image. Default is "latest".

Does not return any specific value.

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def delete(name : String, force = false, no_prune = false) : Array(Docr::Types::ImageDeleteResponseItem) #

Deletes a specific image by its name.

  • name: The name of the image to delete.
  • force: (Optional) Force removal of the image. Default is false.
  • no_prune: (Optional) Do not delete untagged parents. Default is false.

Returns an array of image delete response items.

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def history(name : String) : Array(Docr::Types::HistoryResponseItem) #

Fetches the history of a specific image by its name.

  • name: The name of the image to fetch history for.

Returns an array of image history response items.

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def inspect(name : String) : Docr::Types::Image #

Inspects a specific image by its name.

  • name: The name of the image to inspect.

Returns details about the specified image.

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def list(all = false, filters = Hash(String, String).new, digests = false) #

Retrieves a list of images.

  • all: (Optional) List all images if true, else only top-level images. Default is false.
  • filters: (Optional) Filters to apply to the image list. Default is an empty hash.
  • digests: (Optional) Include image digests if true. Default is false.

Returns an array of image summaries.

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def push(name : String, tag : String, auth : String) #

Pushes an image to a registry.

  • name: The name of the image to push.
  • tag: The tag of the image to push.
  • auth: Authentication credentials for pushing the image.

Does not return any specific value.

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def tag(name : String, repo : String, tag : String) #

Tags an image into a repository.

  • name: The name of the image to tag.
  • repo: The repository name to tag the image into.
  • tag: The tag to apply to the image.

Does not return any specific value.

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